Friday, March 25, 2011
Bonalbo Centenary Cook Book

Thursday, March 17, 2011
Table Tennis Tournament
gracious loser, shaking his hand and saying "You're awesome man". His last opponent was a boy we had all been watching play, and he was amazing. When he came up to play Logan, we knew it was going to be a fantastic match. And it was, all you could hear was the OOhing & AAhing, and the rallies were fantastic. They were both in it to win it. They won two games each, so it came down to a nailbiting finish, with Loges winning the final game. It was great entertainment, and the facilities were amazing, run by an old couple who were great at telling everyone the rules, as it seems everyone has their own version of the game!. So unfortunately he doesn't get to go on in the competition, but it was a great experience and he was on a high for days. I think having our table up in a dusty old shed, with an uneven dirt floor and very little room to swing a bat, may just prove to be a good way to train!.
P.S. This event has rekindled the afternoon happy hour games of table tennis, where basically Greeny, Shane & I take our turns at being thrashed, and with deflated egos we vow to return the next day and see whether or not we just might hold the table for AT LEAST one game!!.....
You Capture - Emotion in black & white
Bless Him! x
Friday, March 11, 2011
My Baby is 3......
Monday, March 7, 2011
What The?.....
I was in Brisvegas a few weekends ago for our 20 Year School reunion ( Can you believe it???), which I haven't posted about yet, cause I'm not sure where to start with that one....but anyway, on the Sunday Marnz & I were in the video shop picking out a couple of movies to chill to cause it had been a very long weekend, and well, that's just what you do when you want to recover isn't it?. So we had picked a couple of movies & while we were standing at the counter I happened to look down & see a packet that said Milk Duds. I mumble under my breath, What the?, while looking very puzzled at the packet. Marni who was busy paying asked me what I said, and so I pointed to the packet & said Milk Duds, what the hell are milk duds. Well that was the end of our apparently normal socially acceptable behaviour in the video shop. We went into absolute hysterics. No, I mean, serious, uncontrollable, tear jerking, pant wetting hysterics!. The poor young girl at the checkout didn't quite know what to do, and at one stage I saw her give us a look of , Ok now I think these guys are complete loonies!. I did manage to squeal out the comment of, Do they mean Milk Buds?, which just made us laugh even harder. It was then that she couldn't hold back also & I saw her have a little giggle......we know laughter is infectious no matter how ridiculous the subject matter!. So eventually we laughed our way out of the shop trying to see through our tears, Oh, and with the packet of milk duds, which I somehow managed to put into the whole transaction. So when we got home I gave the packet to Juan thinking that for sure he would get a real kick out of them and he just said thanks with a puzzling look because we were standing there waiting for his reaction!. I say, check it out, it says Milk DUDS, and he says yeah, there's White DUDS too you know!. This ridiculous little episode has kept me laughing for the past few weeks. Every now & then while I'm washing up or doing some other mundane chore around the house, this little episode pops into my head & I find myself having a right little chuckle. Ah, good times.......Hope you are also laughing at some funny little memories too........
P.S Are these for real, because I have never seen them before.....and we didn't open them in the end, so I have no idea wether or not they really just are Milk Buds, and what is it that makes them a milk DUD....ok I should really stop now..........!