It has been a very full week with Logan turning 13!! & Summer turning 10!!. So I now officially enter the ranks of raising a teenage boy, and after the teenage girl, I think it's going to be a smooth ride!!. We had a lovely family dinner for Logan during the week, and this weekend they got to have 3 friends over each. The boys camped up in the cabin, and generally kept themselves amused with movies and x box, only returning to eat, and the girls had fun just playing, and building cubbies. We watched Mama Mia on Friday night and it was fun to hang out with the girls and dance and sing (like only girls can do!).
He LOVES his Jam!
Grandma made him a divine Black Forest Cake
Summer with more Littlest Pets!
Playing the M&M game....for those of you who aren't aware of this is a classic!. Put out a plate of about 10 M&Ms per person, (we play in heats of two at a time), and they have to suck an M&M on to their straw and walk to another plate or bowl and drop them in, the one with the most wins, or you can set a time limit.....good fun!.
And then there's passing the balloon between the legs game...also a classic!
Poor Jeremy suffering the screaming girls!.
It was bound to happen that someone would end up in the freezing water!
Finns wink....pure classic!
Cleo, Summer, Tuskani & Ellie
Happy Birthday Logan & Summer xx