Happy New Year 2013 to you all. Another one down hey, boy time does fly. At the end of every year.. well I think it started last year, but you get the drift... I select my top ten photos for the year. Boy, is it a process...a good process, but a hard one. For starters you get to come across images that you had completely forgotten about, and it is a joy to rediscover some of them. Then you come across some absolute shockers that should not be in the system and taking up precious valuable storage space, so you get to do a cull at the same time. And then you have to try and whittle down all those hundreds of images down to your favourite top ten!..That's the hard part!!. So hard in fact...that this year I couldn't do it! Nup...absolutely, totally and utterly impossible to select just ten!. (I secretly hope that may be a sign that I'm getting better) So...here are my top fifteen photos of 2012...

'Missing tooth'
'Missing tooth'