Sunday, January 29, 2012


Hi there, everyone, I hope you are all enjoying this glorious rain we are having. We love a good flood
out here!. It's actually a really nice time for us, as we have very little else to do apart from spending time with each other and keeping occupied, usually indoors, but, where these bush kids are concerned, the best fun is had in the wet!. Nothing like learning to surf on a boogie board in a paddock hey?. It has been consistently raining for the past week, and Dad asked me this morning if the kids were
driving me crazy yet. It was very surprising to say that at the start of the holidays, during the 'good' weather', they actually did my head in!!. I had been surrounded by kids all holidays, and I desperately needed a break, (thankyou Straddie!). But during this rain period we have been having a really great time together and the kids have been excellent at keeping themsleves busy, like swimming in the rain, and making huge cubbies in the lounge room with every last available blanket and pillow in the house!!, copious games of table tennis, and of course lots of time on computers and gaming consoles thanks to the ongoing generator source, as we have had no sun for a week, which equals, no power for us!. It's funny that every time the kids hear the generator start there is a mad scramble to the nearest electrical appliance, everything gets plugged in, turned on, charged up, etc....lucky we don't have that type of power all the time I reckon, it really makes kids appreciate all things electronic!.  Hope you are all enjoying the last of the holidays....before it's back to the daily grind!.

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