Monday, March 5, 2012


Hi everyone, hope you all had a lovely weekend. We have been planning on fitting in a couple of camping trips to the beach before the hibernation period begins....the winter is looming ever closer....*sigh*, but due to all the rain we have been having,  it has been impossible to plan anything. I refuse to go all the way to the coast just to be rained on!!. So our Woody Head trip was once again postponed, and Saturday was spent rearranging kids bedrooms. I can easily think of a better way to spend a Saturday, but none the less,  it was a satisfactory day and the kids were happy. But then Sunday .....Hallelujah....a break in the it was off to a 'local' pub for lunch, and then a drive down to McLeods Creek.....

At the 'Lunatic Hotel', I know, what a name.  It is not named so because it is full of lunatics, (although there is bound to be the odd one or two!), there are old mines in the area with that name, and also a street in the town.

Can you spot the 4 people in this picture????

The water was very chilly, but Logan, Finn and I just had to go for a dip.
It was just too good to refuse.

This road actually does a loop from Drake to Tenterfield, passing along the Timbarra river and other little creeks.  It takes about two hours, and is very picturesque, and will be on the agenda pretty soon, I think!.  
Did anyone else go for a Sunday Drive?
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  1. Beautiful photos chook....just gorgeous, thank god for the break in the has been pissing it down in Sydney too, but apparently some OK weather is on the way, we will see. xx

  2. Lovely pics Chook. Felt like I was there with you. X
