Tuesday, October 9, 2012

South Ballina....

Hi everyone....well holidays are over again and it's back into the daily
grind.  It always takes me awhile to get out of holiday mode.
We had a very relaxing time these holidays, and I even got to
spend a few child free nights with Nita up in Brisbane. We worked out it was
basically the first time we had spent any quality, not mumsy, time together
without any children, in about 18 years!!.  We had a grand time.   It's amazing
how different it is to have conversations without noise and interruptions!. 
We were very lucky to catch up with them again in Ballina, just for a night,
as we were on our way home after purchasing our new camper trailer!!
(yes, very excited about that one, I will post some pics soon).
So here are some photos of our (brief) day on the beach at South Ballina.


The Ballina Village Park is a great place to take kids by the way....
We even got to see live music, and they have a great Kiosk and heaps of
things for the kids. Put that on your holiday list....x 
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  1. Yes...a brief but wonderful time with you guys in Ballina....and what an awesome trailer you guys bought. Looking forward to making memories in that! I was scrolling down pics holding my breath....no driftwood pics....phew! Xxxxx I know you wouldn't do that to me. Love the pic of the girls! X

    1. I wouldn't do that to you Nits...not without your permission!. Unfortunately they didn't turn out so good. I will show you next time you're here x
