Monday, September 10, 2012

My new lens / 24-70mm f2.8

I have had a very exciting week this week with the arrival of my new lens. 
I finally managed to part with the money and bought myself a second hand
Canon 28-70mm f2.8 lens that I have been dreaming of, for what seems like
a lifetime now...well a few thousand photos at least!!.  Agh, I was
getting so frustrated with my basic stock lenses....what I was seeing
in my head, was just not being reciprocated through the limited capability
of the lens, and it was SO darn frustrating!.  I researched buying
second hand lenses and it seemed a very viable option considering that
real photographers are always updating equipment, and they also know
how to look after it.  So I decided to stop dreaming and just go for it......

Can you tell the difference????!!!.  Yes, of course you can because it is
INCREDIBLE!!.  (sorry, still very excited here!).  Just look at the
clarity....and the bokeh....oh how dreamy......

Can you see the wisps of Summers hair?.....yes, of course you can, because that
is the difference between a quality lens and a not so quality lens!

And that tree was always so frustrating in my pictures of the kids playing
in the yard, it is so big and intrusive that you would wonder if I was
taking a picture of the tree or the kids !, but just blends into a background,

So, I'm am off to keep playing and learning
(with a VERY big smile on my face)! x
(thankyou Summer for being very obliging on this day)
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