Friday, March 26, 2010

Gettin' Crafty.........

Yesterday I finally got around to doing a little project for Summer.  She had a nice little singlet that needed some prettying up!!.  So I got out my doilie stash and sewed on this little creation.  The headband was just a plain bit of elastic that was crying out for this beautiful flower............


  1. Love your work Chookster...ALL OF IT. Bloody brilliant you are. What we could do together huh if we put our minds to it, one of these days we gotta do somethin. I have a blog too now, you've started a craze...will email it to you, or if you click on me you might be able to find it.

  2. Also meant to say what a sweet thing Summer is....she's too beautiful. x

  3. Nice one Chookster.... really jooshed it up..looks great. Nice to see your art talents extend past the scrapbooking, not that theirs anything wrong with that! I think I shall look out for doilies at the op shops from now's a great idea. And the headband, you would pay a bloody fortune for that at the shops! Clevery dicky you....x p.s. find out today if we get the Tarago...if RACQ check is good it is all ours...exciting! x
