Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Nose Picker

Everytime we look at you now
this is what we see
your finger perfectly positioned
up your nose!
Even Jeds not impressed!

This is my latest page using my favourite photo of the moment. This photo has been on the desktop, and everytime Shane & I turn on the computer we have a little giggle!!.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Chookster...this is too funny and I love your scrap book pic. You are soooo talented, although am sure I've told you that already. ;0) Is the pic of Jed in the same photo - the look on his face is hysterical! Hey I've started a blog spot too - you've inspired me...will try and send you the link. Have to tell you though - Rudy is the same - although instead of one finger he has both up both nostrils and then he likes to rub whatever he finds all over his cheeks. Rudy and Fin would make a great nose pickin team. Love ya Chookster and I take it that his blogging means you now have broad band???
