Saturday, December 10, 2011

Pre-school xmas concert....

Wow, how hectic do things get at the end of the school year hey? There is so much going on for the kids at the moment...lots of fun stuff like rewards days and concerts and things,which means lots of times and dates and information going around in my brain at the moment!!. It's nearly all over though, yeehah!!. Finny had his Christmas concert the other day. Santa came on the fire truck, and Finn just sat there intently staring at him, I don't think it was suspicion, or maybe it was!!. But he seemed pretty convinced that Santa had just come to the school to give the kids a book and some lollies for being great kids. So glad he wasn't frightened of him !. I captured it on video, and when Santa was leaving, and all the kids were saying goodbye, Finny tried to remind him, over all the noise of the kids shouting, not to forget that we will be camping over Christmas. Bless Him, he was worried that he wouldn't know where we are. I reassured him that I had told Santa we would be camping and that he knows exactly where to find us!.

They sang a few songs and did some sign language also.  He was so cute trying his hardest to sing all the words and do all the actions.  Such an adorable age, watching them develop their personalities, and interact with other kids.  I am so glad I made the decision for him to go one day a week.  It has been something for the both of us to look forward to every week.  So the countdown is on....14 more sleeps!!
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