Monday, September 13, 2010


Another weekend has been & gone and we are inching closer to the holidays.  My calendar has been absolutely chockas with so many school activities, It's like they have waited till the last few weeks of school to jam as many things in as possible......Logan went to Coffs Harbour for three days for his camp, Summer went to Seaworld for an excursion (again)!, Logan has a football gala day on Friday at Bangalow, there has been dentist appointments, school photos, concerts, my head is reeling with dates & times & places & obligations & I just can't wait for the holidays to start!.  On a sad note though our Che has moved back to Grandmas.  We have realised again it's just not possible to live here, do school & work two part time jobs.  I have just had to face the fact that I have to let go........I know she is only 16 but sometimes things happen & I guess you have to stretch that cord way before you expect to.  I was getting so angry & resentful at her because she was never here & we were missing her & we were thinking that she was finding reasons to not be here.  But if anyone is going to put up their hand up & volunteer for something and be involved in something it is our Che, and that is what is taking up most of her spare time, being involved in anything that is available to her.  So that was all been a bit of a down time for me.
On the upside though,  today is the official day that Shane stops smoking!.  I finally got my way after just a little bit of harrassment and just a little bit of resentment on Shanes part!.  He has been cutting down for the last couple of weeks and today is the day of no more!!.  I have to get him patches tomorrow while I'm in town just in case....I know he can do it without them........but it will ease his mind to have them on hand.  Boy, you guys have no idea how hard it was to get him just to put a date on the calendar to work nearly ended in divorce I can tell you!.  So please send out your positive thoughts for him, I think he's going to need them!.  The change since he has cut down is already remarkable, I can't wait to see if he actually puts on weight which he really needs to do. 
We have made a start on Summers cubby using only recycled timber we have laying around.  She is very excited and can't believe after years of asking that she will finally have one.  I'm just glad that I won't have to clean up all the other "cubbys" she erects all over the place.  That child can make a cubby out of anything!.
We recently had Brian & Linda & Pop over for a visit from W.A.  It was so nice to finally meet Brian & Linda.  Aside from Pop, I have never met any of Shanes family and Shane hadn't seen Brian since he was about 17.  So it was a really lovely week getting to know them and it was great to see Pop again.  I think Finny remembered him from the last visit.........

 This is just the foofster doing what he does best....eating!, or helping to clean up, however you want to look at it...... !

We are now the proud owners of two sheep called Rosemary & Thyme.  They are a pretty strange breed and actually look more like goats!.  They are very lovely though, and Thyme is due to lamb any day............(She's the freckly one)

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