Monday, September 20, 2010

Union gala day

On Friday, Logans class of 4/5/6 participated in a Rugby Union gala day at Bangalow. These kids have never played union before although some have experience with Rugby League, and they only had a week to get some training in and to basically learn the game. When we arrived it was instantly obvious that we were the underdogs!. We were surrounded by schools adorned with vibrant jerseys, sporting logos and sponsorships from their towns' businesses, complete with head gear, shoulder pads and even matching socks!. Bring in Bonalbo central shirts some with, one without, some with football boots some without, some with mouth guards some without, definetely no matching socks.......oh, & 5 girls!. Well did we give them a run for their money.........these kids had determination that could have built Rome in a day!. After they got over the initial shock of how tragic they looked compared to the other teams, they set about to show them that it's not how you're dressed that counts, it's about heart. And they had plenty of it. The team work they displayed between the boys and the girls was so admirable, they knew they needed to back each other up to get through the match, and in true feminine style our "ladies" were there in the thick of it. They were pushed, shoved, stomped on, flung about and held back, but they were there 100%. WE (the parents) were screaming our heads off, and doing the necessary parental coaching from the sidelines, because all parents are experts on the sidelines aren't they?! They had the best day, and so did we. We were so proud of them. I'm sure all the other teams will always remember those Bonalbo kids. Well done guys. (and ladies!).
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